Mod for Sonic Colours.
And to mod for Sonic Colours Deluxe, too. Scroll down, You'll find it.
A Comprehensive Guide by pellapelladouga.
Disclaimer: Not all mods will work on real hardware.
Not all mods will work for Sonic Colours Deluxe, either. Be careful.
More stuff will be added soon!
This is What U Need:
Dolphin Emulator (Optional, for Emulation & ISO extraction)CriPackedFileMakerWiiBaFu
I'm going to assume you've already dumped your rom of Colours, right?
Let's get to modding.
Extracting the ISO
You're going to need a way to extract the ISO.
The game file, if you will.
Now, Dolphin already has that, so if you wanna, extract away.
But, if you don't have dolphin, you can do it the normal way with WiiBaFu.
This next section will be detailing how to use Dolphin to Extract the ISO.
From dolphin, go to file, open, and navigate to the game directory where you have Colours.
It should now appear in the great, white open space where your games should be.Right click on Colours.Click onto Properties, and navigate over to Filesystem.
Go to Data Partition 0, right click, and extract the entire disk.
The Normal Way
Using WiiBaFu is actually quite simple. Just click load, navigate to the directory the ISO is in.
From here, WiiBaFu will automatically detect the ISO.
Go to Extract Image in the bottom right corner, then navigate to the folder you wanna go.
Now you have a folder of the entire game files.
This is where you CRI.
Wait a minute, what the hell's going on here?!
I'm looking directly at more archives that I don't understand! What in blueballs is a CPK file?
Another file extension that you must learn to overcome.
This is where your Cri Tools come in.
Navigate into your extracted game, go into Files, and right-click onto sonic2010_0.cpk.
Select Open With, and navigate to CriPackedMaker.Or, you could just open CPFM, look at the scuffed diamond authority symbol fron steven universe,
then navigate to the directory with the .cpk file,
From there, make sure you have the .cpk selected, then click the other diamond to extract it.
Putting in your game files.
Now, you can put in the files you need!
The folders in the Zip should mirror the directory of where exactly where you need to go to.
For example, if the download folder says,
sonic2010_0 > sound > synth > bgm_jingle_super_sonic_wav.aax
then, in the exctracted CPK folder you made, that's exactly where you need to navigate to!
cool, huh?
But You Don't Stop, You Proceed, cus we're not done yet!
Time To Repack it all, buddy.
Let's start with the CPK.
First, you open CPFM, then you navigate to the CPK folder you extracted using the folder button on the top right.
You go to the bottom, and then you click Build CPK file.Put the CPK file back into where you found it,and rename it back to sonic2010_0.cpk.
Now let's repack the ISO.
Next, you open WiiBaFu, then you click load, and navigate to the ISO folder you extracted.
Look for the button that says Transfer to Image.On the bottom after doing that, make sure it says that you're transferring it into an ISO.Put the ISO wherever you want.
Transfer it into a hard drive, load it into your modded WII, or load it fresh into Dolphin, and you have yourself a game!
Sonic Colours Deluxe
Maybe you're looking to see if any mods work for this version of the game.
Well, I can help you.
You don't have to worry about extracting the game, cus if you already have Colours Deluxe set up, it's done automatically for ya.
Everything is inside of the Resources folder.
However, instead of going directly into the CPK, you're gonna need to go into the Modded Files folder.
That is where you place your mods now.
The directory is going to be missing some folders, however.
But, handy that the mod files mirror the directories, right?
Copy and paste those directories in.
To get everything to apply to the CPK file in Sonic Colours Deluxe, however,
you're gonna need to run the config.bat file and choose a level order.
What happens, is that it looks in the modded files directory to choose which files it needs to patch to the CPK.
By putting in those mod files, you're affectively Trojan Horsing your way inside.
And that's it! That's Sonic Colours modding done for you!
Thank you for reading. Stay safe out there!